Special Edition of LACNIC’s Public Policy Forum

LACNIC announces that an online Policy Forum will be held on 20 August for the purpose of analyzing the four policy proposals that were not discussed during the latest meeting held as part of LACNIC 33.
Public Policy Forum 33⅓ is the name chosen for this special event that will be held on Thursday 20 August at 17:00 UTC. This space will give us the chance to discuss these proposals before our next LACNIC meeting.
This time, the following proposals will be discussed: adding operational IPv6 as a requirement for IPv4 transfers, modification of the time required for a proposal to be presented at the Public Policy Forum; eliminating the requirement for applicants to return the addresses they have been assigned by their providers, and developing an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the Policy List.
Under proposal LAC-2020-1, in order to transfer IPv4 addresses, an organization would have to prove that IPv6 is operational in its network.
Proposal LAC-2019-8 seeks to extend the anticipation with which a proposal must have been published before it can be presented at the Public Policy Forum.
The third proposal to be discussed at this special edition of the Forum is LAC-2019-10, which seeks to eliminate the requirement for applicants to return the resources they have already been assigned by their providers once they obtain a direct assignment.
The last proposal to be analyzed will be LAC-2018-13, aimed at implementing an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the Policy List.
The expected duration of the Forum is two and a half hours, with time slots reserved for presenting each policy as well as for participants to share their opinions.
To participate, you must register here
For more information, go to https://bit.ly/3fGbxjA