FRIDA Award “Inspired New Ideas”

Paula Alvarez of ICDL Colombia, an NGO that carries out the Digital Citizens Project for the Colombian National Police, the initiative that in 2012 received the FRIDA Award as the most voted and more creative project, stressed that their participation in last year’s call for proposals was “enriching” and considered the diffusion of ICT projects at regional level a source of “inspiration.”
In her opinion, the FRIDA Award earned the project “recognition” and allowed it to be appreciated at international level.
What prompted you to participate in FRIDA’s call for proposals?
We have followed the FRIDA calls for proposals closely for several years, as in our opinion they are a benchmark for successful projects and practices. This has allowed us to understand the importance of disseminating the projects implemented in our region and how valuable it is when other countries and organizations find in them inspiration to fulfill their purpose, to have an impact through ICT. Initiatives such as FRIDA unite us, encourage us, and motivate us to continue our work.
What experience did you gain from your participation in the FRIDA Awards and the prize you obtained?
There are many stories we could tell you about how enriching it was for us to participate in this experience, but we will only highlight three. The learning we experienced within ICDL Colombia, as to us it meant the recognition of team work and everyone’s commitment to this project. Second, the international relevance of participating in the regional preparatory meeting for the Internet Governance Forum and the global Internet Governance Forum itself allowed us to interact with hundreds of people committed to the use of the Internet as a tool for development, which inspired us to come up with ideas for the new year. Finally, the relevance of our project at regional level and the recognition received by the National Police and the ICT Ministry has served to highlight that public institutions carry out and should continue to carry out this type of projects of great social impact.
How has the digital project of the Colombian National Police advanced during the past last year?
ICDL Colombia has been in talks with the National Police to replicate our Digital Citizen program, the appropriation of the Internet as a productive tool, extending it to the policemen and women’s families. In addition, one of our goals for this year is to develop partnerships with the institution’s training schools so that the certification process can become institutional policy.