New Version of FORT Validator


New Version of FORT Validator

By Jorge Cano, Senior Software Architect at LACNIC

We have launched a new version of our FORT Validator to enhance information on BGP routing and reducing routing system vulnerabilities that currently affect Internet security.

Why? FORT stands for Framework for Observatory, Research, and Transparency. From the start of this project, we have constantly worked on developing this tool which is freely accessible and free of charge for all operators. Our goal has always been to increase the security and stability of the BGP routing system.

FORT is an RPKI validator that helps routers detect false routing announcements, regardless of whether they are due to misconfiguration or the result of the actions of malicious actors.

In this new version, we’ve introduced enhancements and fixed errors based on feedback received from FORT Validator users.

We are now presenting FORT Validator version 1.6.2, which includes two new features. The first is the ‘print’ operation mode, which allows users to convert an object in the repository into JSON format and print it on screen. This can be extremely useful for debugging or can serve as input for other programs, such as monitoring tools.

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The other feature we’ve added is the rtrlib tool in the Docker image. This tool can be used to debug errors and confirm proper operation of the system.

We hope that this version will provide a better experience of the validator code and will prove useful to organizations across the region. By continuing to optimize FORT Validator, our goal is to contribute to a more resilient Internet.

FORT Validator is part of the FORT Project, which seeks to increase routing system security by promoting resource certification.

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