Copy of the DNS I-Root Server Installed in Paraguay

After the call for proposals by LACNIC and Netnod, NIC Paraguay ( was one of the organizations selected to install anycast copies of I-root server in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The installation of this server is part of LACNIC’s +Raíces program and seeks to strengthen Internet resilience, stability and security in the region.
Of the three organizations selected from among the 15 that submitted a proposal for the installation of root server copies – the Ministry of Security of Chile and Transtelco of Mexico were also chosen – is the first to complete the project.
Guillermo Cicileo, head of LACNIC’s Internet Security and Stability Program, highlighted the proposal of NIC Paraguay and observed that this root server has been operational since mid-February.
According to Cicileo, installing these servers at strategic points within the region allowed increasing the resilience of the DNS, one of the Internet’s critical resources.
Likewise, Ignacio Velázquez, director of, noted that this root server copy will benefit all Internet users in Paraguay and strengthen the country’s infrastructure. In an interview with LACNIC News, Velázquez highlighted the support LACNIC and Netnod offered the project and added that this is the beginning of a new stage.
What motivated you to reply to LACNIC’s call for proposals for installing this anycast copy of the root server?
Historically speaking, Paraguay has not been a regional leader in terms of Internet technologies. Prior to 2014, installing a root server in our country had not even crossed our mind.
Seeking to tap into our country’s potential for technology, one of the goals we set at was to strengthen our national Internet infrastructure. This led to the idea of having at least one copy of a root server. Once we gained experience, the next step was to add another root server, in this case the I-root server.
Are there any other root server copies in Paraguay?
Before the copy of the I-root server was installed, we received support from ICANN to install a copy of the L-root server.
Why are you interested in being part of this project?’s mission is to maintain and preserve the name servers for the PY top-level domain. Strengthening DNS infrastructure is part of this objective, as user experience in terms of domain resolution improves when there is a DNS root server nearby.
In your opinion, was the process of proposing and then implementing this initiative a simple one?
Thanks to the collaboration we received from the community through regional forums and meetings, we did not encounter any technical difficulties. Likewise, thanks to the support of LACNIC and Netnod, we had no problem meeting all administrative and financial requirements.
Which organizations in Paraguay will benefit from the I-root server copy?
The I-root server currently announces prefixes to’s Internet access provider, one of the largest ISPs in the country, and from there to the links of its corporate and upstream clients. In addition, it is also part of Paraguay’s main Internet exchange point, IXpy. Today, most national ISPs participate in IXpy.
What improvements do you expect will result from the operation of this root server?
We currently have two copies of root servers in Paraguay. When managing a TLD, domain resolution latency is improved to a certain degree. We also believe it is our duty to help improve Internet stability in the country and the region and are convinced this is the beginning of a stage where users in Paraguay will be able to enjoy a better Internet experience.