Mariela Rocha “LACNIC has played a leading role within the community”


Her first contact with LACNIC came about almost by chance, when she had to take the place of someone who was unable to attend none other than the first meeting of the regional Internet community – LACNIC I – back in 2002 when the organization was being created.

Since then, however, Mariela Rocha’s professional life has been closely linked to the community of the Regional Internet Registry for Latin America and the Caribbean. In these 15 years since LACNIC’s creation, she has actively participated in most of the organization’s meetings and forums. In addition, between 2006 and 2011 she served as chair of the Latin American IPv6 Forum and the IPv6 Task Force for Latin America and the Caribbean. Since 2011 she is part of the FLIP6 program committee.

What was your relationship with the world of ICTs like 15 years ago?

Fifteen years ago, I was taking my first steps in the world of ICTs, particularly in areas relating to larger networks. I had started becoming involved in the world of TCP/IP and UNIX, which opened the doors to the world of national academic networks in my country.

When did your relationship with LACNIC begin?

I have a very peculiar anecdote about this. In late 2000, while working at a national university network, I was asked to attend a meeting in place of another person who was unable to do so. This was the first time I attended a regional event. And it was none other than LACNIC I, held in Buenos Aires, while the RIR was in the process of being created. At that time, the issues discussed really had an impact on me, even though I was just taking my first steps in ICT. My first active participation was in 2003 at the LACNIC V event in Havana, Cuba. That was the beginning of an intense and fulfilling work and collaboration relationship with the entire LACNIC community.

What roles have you played within the LACNIC community? Did they meet your expectations? What aspects would you highlight?

I have participated as a speaker, tutor and panelist. I have also participated in policy forums and assemblies and chaired the Latin American IPv6 Forum (FLIP6) for 6 periods (2006 to 2011).

After all these years, not only have my expectations been fulfilled, but the LACNIC community is still the space that has given me the greatest satisfactions of my career.

I strongly highlight the diversity, the bottom-up processes, but above all the collaboration that takes place within the community, a key element for advancing in the world of ICTs.

What role do you think the LACNIC community has played in the management of number resources over the past 15 years?

It has played a leading role. Not only because it is the main actor in the administration of resources, but also because it does so while respecting a policy development process and because it also works on the deployment of technologies that contribute to a better administration and use of resources (For example: IPv6, RPKI)

What are the LACNIC community’s identifying features?

The LACNIC community is characterized by its mixture of cultures, the cultures of each country and those inherited from the immigration processes our region has undergone. Its most outstanding characteristic, however, is the warmth of the Latin people, a condiment difficult to find in other regions.

How do you envision Internet governance 15 years from now?

How I imagine it has much to do with how I would like it to be. I imagine a governance with well-defined and clearly identified roles, which in many ways we still cannot see today. I imagine a safe Internet, but one that is free, open to all, and continues to drive innovation as it has so far. That fact that the Internet is free is one of the qualities that have made it as great as it is. This quality should not be lost.

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