LACNOG 2019: A Lot to Learn and See

LACNIC and LACNOG are preparing their conferences and presentations by professionals across the region for the event that will bring the Latin American and Caribbean technical Internet community to Panama City from 7th to 11th October.
The lineup confirms that the program will include a broad variety of topics, ranging from route leaks on the Internet, the MANRS (Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security) Observatory, the latest developments in IPv6 and cybersecurity incidents, the new 5G technology for mobile networks, routing, network management, LACNIC’s new Internet Routing Registry, and other relevant issues.
One of the keynote speakers on the LACNOG agenda – available here – is Igor Giangrossi, Sr. Director of Consulting Engineering at Nokia. This expert will introduce the audience to 5G technology, the new generation of mobile networks that promises incredible speeds, low latency and better support for implementing applications closer to their users. In his presentation, Giangrossi will describe the evolution of mobile networks, their architecture, the innovations introduced by 5G and how they affect IP network requirements.
In addition, Uesley Correa of Telecom will present an IPv6 success story: the work for the implementation of IPv6 at a WiFi / FTTH ISP in Paraguay and the choices that have allowed almost 100% of residential and corporate clients to have active IPv6 service.
Presentations also include a lecture on RPKI by Louis Poinsignon, who will present Cloudflare’s yearlong experience with RPKI in their global network and share how good routing practices saved this company on several occasions.
Anahi Rebatta, Research Analyst at TeleGeography, will analyze intra-regional connectivity in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Gerardo Pías will present tools for viewing routing information and understanding and detecting routing incidents. This work originated within the framework of LACNIC’s FORT project, in an attempt to control the immense amount of BGP messages that are constantly exchanged over the network.
Guillermo Cicileo, Head of Internet Infrastructure Research and Development at LACNIC, will announce the creation of the organization’s Internet Routing Registry (IRR). LACNIC is working on the development of an IRR for its members and a first version is expected to be ready by the end of the year.
In turn, Diego Zorrilla of CISCO will share his presentation on Segment Routing Traffic Engineering, a technology that will allow large operators to optimize their networks, reduce their costs, and offer better services.
Click here to check out the full event agenda. Click here to register.