LACNIC Technical Forum: Ten Experts, 200 Minutes and Plenty of Interaction

This Wednesday, ten qualified speakers from different parts of the region and the world came together at the LACNIC Technical Forum (FTL) to present before an online audience that averaged 250 participants.
Presentations included topics such as network operation, the transition from IPv4 to IPv6, IPv6 deployment, RPKI measurements, DNSSEC, interconnection, the Internet of Things (IoT), and security vulnerabilities.
For more than 200 minutes divided into four sessions, ten speakers (Javier More, Massimo Candela, Agustín Formoso, Karen O’Donoghue, Richard Hummel, Claudio Risso, Tim Bruijnzeels, Hugo Salgado, Carlos Martínez and José Camargo) shared their presentations with the technical community. This time, a simultaneous transcription service was provided in three languages (English, Spanish and Portuguese).
“The FTL is a LACNIC initiative that tries to promote a space for our region and other communities to exchange information and share their experiences for the purpose of having information on the operational needs in our areas of responsibility,” observed LACNIC CTO Carlos Martínez in his closing remarks.
The level of the presentations has been improving each year, which makes the work of the Program Committee increasingly challenging.
Martínez announced that the 2021 LACNIC Technical Forum will take place in May of 2021 and will maintain the current thematic areas. He urged the technical community to submit their questions to advance potential lines of work.
Back and forth. The first presentation at the FTL was by Javier More, who spoke about the experience with Microwave and Fiber Optic Transport Networks and Radio Spectrum for the Deployment of 5G Networks in Peru. He explained that, due to Peru’s geography, there is a significant concentration of fiber in the coastal areas, while much of the country’s forest region has greater difficulties in obtaining good quality connections.
Massimo Candela then presented his research on BGP Monitoring, which allows monitoring announcements, even those that are not covered by an ROA
Next, Agustín Formoso shared De-bogonizing 2a10::/12, a project that studies how the Internet reacts when a new address block is assigned to an RIR.
In turn, in her presentation titled The Road to Deployment: Network Time Security, Karen O’Donoghue concluded that a prototype implementation model should be developed to improve Internet architecture.
Richard Hummel then shared NETSCOUT’s research on the cyberthreat landscape. More than 23,000 denial of service attacks occur each day. “If you convert this into dollars, you will see that it is a lot of money,” the expert said during his presentation. “How much money are we losing by not preventing or mitigating these attacks? How much does each of those attacks cost?” Hummel asked.
Next, Claudio Risso shared his work titled Designing Optimal iBGP / MPLS Topologies for ANTEL’s International Network, and Tim Bruijnzeels shared Trends in RPKI Deployment, including relevant data on the development of security standards and resource certification.
Later in the afternoon, Hugo Salgado and Carlos Martínez presented their work on SGA-1 and Algorithm Rotation in DNSSEC, and José Camargo spoke about an Alternative Low-Cost Solution for Controlling Volumetric Attacks in Latin America.
Click here to watch all the presentations given at the FTL.