LACNIC Announces the Creation of Its CSIRT

The Internet Address Registry for Latin America and the Caribbean (LACNIC), a leading actor recognized by the technical community and international organizations for its work in security incident prevention, detection and response, announces the creation of its Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT).
The team was created in response to the growing demand of the technical community and considering the maturity reached by the services so far provided by LACNIC WARP. The CSIRT is led by Graciela Martinez.
CSIRT LACNIC will be a coordination hub for cybersecurity incidents in Latin America and the Caribbean and will try to help mitigate their potential effects. It will also work to strengthen regional professionals’ understanding of computer security incidents.
CSIRT LACNIC will continue to develop activities, training and services for the members of the RIR and its community.
Experience and maturity. CSIRT LACNIC consolidates the work of LACNIC WARP, which has trained 800 cybersecurity experts across the region and managed and coordinated 600 large-scale computer incidents in Latin America and the Caribbean during its five years of operation.
In this time, the LACNIC WARP team published more than 25 security alerts regarding events considered to be critical in coordination with other organizations dedicated to the prevention of cyberattacks.
Thanks to its work in the prevention of cybersecurity incidents, LACNIC has joined the global elite of computer security entities, signing cooperation agreements with organizations such as;; the Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group (M3AAWG); the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APW); Stop, Think & Connect (STC) and Team Cymru.
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