LACNIC 31: Three Panels Not to Be Missed

Everything is set for LACNIC31, this year’s first meeting of the Latin American and Caribbean Internet community which will take place from 6 to 10 May in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.
The agenda includes three panels with prominent speakers and members of the community who will share their experiences after having participated in the programs promoted by LACNIC. A special session with regional Internet pioneers has also been organized to mark the 50th anniversary of the first successful data packet ever sent from one computer to another. The three panels will be streamed live and simultaneous interpretation will be provided.
The Strengths of the Internet. LACNIC’s actions aimed at strengthening regional Internet infrastructure will be reflected in a panel that will take place on Thursday 9 May at about 4:45 p.m. (Dominican time). The panel will feature actors participating in the various programs implemented by the Regional Internet Registry to promote the creation of technical infrastructure and capacity-building throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.
This panel will present the perspectives of those who have participated in +RAICES, the project for the deployment of root server copies; AMPARO, the project to support the creation of Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs); the IPv6 Challenge, a contest to promote IPv6 adoption in the region, and the Interconnection Workshops that promote a better Internet in each country.
Guillermo Cicileo, LACNIC’s Head of Internet Infrastructure Research and Development, will be responsible for moderating panelists Rodrigo Benítez of NIC.PY (+RAICES), Carmen Denis of Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (winners of the IPv6 Challenge), Lizania Perez of Indotel (AMPARO Workshops), and Wanda Perez of the ISOC-DO Chapter (Interconnection Workshops).
Experiences Shared by the Community. The panel titled “Promoting Internet Development in LAC with Regional Partners” will take place during the morning of Friday 10 May (10 a.m. local time). This panel will share initiatives organized by LACNIC and its partners to promote Internet development. Four initiatives will be presented: LACNIC on the Move, LACNIC’s itinerant events; LACNIC Campus, the organization’s e-learning platform; Ayitic Goes Global, a gender and capacity-building initiative, and the FRIDA awards and grants program.
The stories will focus on the development of digital skills and techniques among the community to promote Internet use throughout the region, as well as the consolidation of a more stable, secure and robust network.
Carolina Caeiro will moderate this panel that will share the stories of Louis Jr Bien-Aimé and Marlene Sam with Ayitic Goes Global; of Atalaya Sur, the community network selected as the winner of a FRIDA Award; of Clara Collado of, who will share her experience with LACNIC on the Move; and of Camen Denis of UADY, who will describe how his team received training through LACNIC’s online Campus.
Half a Century of Data. The third panel not to be missed is the Internet Pioneers panel scheduled for Friday around noon (11:45 local time). To mark the 50th anniversary of the first packet ever sent over the Internet, we have invited regional Internet pioneers to share their experiences during the early days of the Internet in Latin America and the Caribbean. Panelists will include Lito Ibarra (El Salvador), Peter Harrison (Camen Denis), Demi Getschko (Brazil) and Daniel Trujillo (Mexico). Tomás Lynch will be responsible for moderating this talk that promises to walk us through the origins of the Internet.
All three sessions will be streamed live at the following link.