Internet Week Guyana – LACNIC On The Move Guyana

The second edition of LACNIC On The Move for 2017 was held successfully on October 12 at the Pegasus Hotel, Georgetown, Guyana.
LACNIC On The Move Guyana was part of a wider initiative called Internet Week Guyana held from October 9 to 13. The five-day event was hosted by the Guyana Ministry of Public Telecommunications, and jointly organised by LACNIC, the Caribbean Network Operators Group (CaribNOG), the Internet Society, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU). The American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) also supported the initiative.
The weeklong meeting was geared towards ISP technicians, policy makers, regulators, ICT professionals, university students and other Internet stakeholders. It focused on enhancing knowledge about Internet numbering resources, registry services, and sharing best practices on issues such as IPv6 deployment, Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) for resource certification and Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC).
Sergio Rojas, Registration Services Specialist, provided an overview of how the five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) work to assign and register Internet number resources like IP addresses and autonomous systems for their respective parts of the world. He also explained how number resources are allocated and how to access the LACNIC whois service to determine the holders of an IP address. To conclude, he described the LACNIC Policy Development Process and stressed the importance of greater community engagement in these processes, as they are the basis on which LACNIC allocates Internet number resources in the region.
Alejandro Acosta, Research and Development Engineer, presented on IPv4 and IPv6, bringing global statistics into the regional perspective and even providing a current snapshot of some local realities.
Justin Nedd, CEO of Guyana Telephone and Telegraph (GT&T), delivered the day’s feature presentation,in which he outlined and advocated for his company’s position on various issues, including market liberalization, IPv6 transition and IXP deployment. The lively, lengthy Q&A session that followed Nedd’s presentation confirmed the high level of audience interest in the topics covered.
Kevon Swift, Head of Strategic Relations and Integration introduced participants to some practical policy and strategy approaches to promoting IPv6 deployment, focusing on specific actions that non-Internet Service Providers can undertake.
Great meeting! Thank you to all who participated in the LACNIC On The Move Guyana, both at the Pegasus Hotel in Georgetown, Guyana and via the online livestream.