IGF LAC Space at IGF 2024

By Paula Oteguy, Multi-stakeholder Engagement Coordinator at LACNIC
The IGF 2024 took place from December 15 to 19 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Within this framework, the eighth edition of the IGF LAC Space took place on December 15. This session, organized in a hybrid format by LACNIC, LACTLD, and CETyS, brought together various stakeholders from the Internet Governance community across Latin America and the Caribbean. Participants shared projects and recent progress, reaffirming their commitment to strengthening these initiatives in our region.
The Value of Gathering as a Community
The IGF LAC Space, serving as a prelude to the global event, highlights the critical role of regional initiatives in shaping an Internet that reflects the values and priorities of our communities. It is much more than just a session; it is a dynamic hub for the Latin America and Caribbean community. This platform fosters the exchange of ideas, experiences, and insights, enabling us to address the unique challenges and opportunities our region faces within the global Internet ecosystem. Developing a shared vision and reinforcing our collaborative networks are essential steps toward fostering an inclusive and sustainable Internet governance that addresses the needs and aspirations of our communities.
The session was divided into two main segments.
Block 1: Regional Projects and Initiatives
During the first segment, each of the ten participating organizations showcased regional projects and initiatives. Among the key institutions represented were LACTLD, CETyS, LACNIC, LACNOG, LAC-IX, LAC ISP, ISOC, ICANN, SSIG, and COLNODO.
I introduced the Support Program for National and Regional Internet Governance Initiatives (NRIs). This program aims to provide support to national and regional initiatives, including youth initiatives and Schools on Internet Governance, for the organization of their events. The goal is to strengthen local capacities and encourage greater participation in Internet governance processes. Throughout 2024, we provided support to 10 local initiatives within the region, as well as two emerging local “youth” initiatives that continue to grow. Additionally, through this program, we extended our support to LACIGF, Youth LACIGF, and several Schools on Internet Governance, such as SSIG, VSIG, and the Internet Governance and International Relations initiative at the University of Chile.
It is important to highlight the essential role that NRIs play in Internet Governance, especially in facilitating a deeper understanding of key issues and processes, fostering dialogue at the national level, sharing best practices among stakeholder groups, and serving as platforms for discussing public policy matters and contributing positively to their development.
National and regional initiatives are uniquely positioned to interpret global challenges, adapt them to local discussions, and develop solutions tailored to the specific realities of each context. This approach not only enables the development of meaningful responses at the local level but also establishes a strong bridge between global and regional dynamics. In this way, these initiatives return to global discussions, such as the IGF, with enriched and well-rounded perspectives, prepared to make meaningful contributions to deliberations that shape the entire international community.
Subsequently, a second round of reflection was held, where organizations addressed a key question: What insights can you share on the progression of the ongoing global processes (Netmundial+10, GDC, WSIS+20)? This discussion provided an opportunity to analyze the challenges and opportunities faced by various communities in relation to these global processes. Within this framework, LACNIC emphasized the critical role of the multistakeholder model as an essential approach to address current and future challenges collaboratively and openly, ensuring the common good of society.
Block 2: Internet Governance Research
The second segment focused on presenting recent or ongoing research on topics relevant to Internet governance within the region, supported by LACNIC and CETyS. This space not only highlights academic and technical work but also fosters dialogue around the key interests and concerns of the regional community regarding Internet governance.
On this occasion, LACNIC presented the progress of the Líderes program, which provides financial support and mentorship to researchers developing studies on impactful Internet governance issues from a local perspective.
The research covered topics such as cybersecurity policies, the adoption of technology by indigenous populations in the age of artificial intelligence, and issues related to cybercrime and child protection across Latin America and the Caribbean. The researchers that joined us were Thaís Aguiar from Brazil, Camilo Arratia from Bolivia, and José Alberto Rojas from Peru.
These researchers represented a group of 16 individuals who, through the Líderes Program, have made significant contributions to knowledge generation. The value of these studies lies in their capacity to generate insights that are valuable not only for the region but also for the global community. Each discovery deepens the understanding of the challenges faced in our region while presenting solutions that can be adapted or applied in other contexts.
Reflections on the Global IGF in Riyadh
The Global IGF 2024 in Riyadh, under the theme “Building Our Multistakeholder Digital Future”, reaffirmed the importance of strengthening the multistakeholder model by bringing together governments, the private sector, academia, civil society, and the technical community in an inclusive space for dialogue. This event promises a week filled with impactful sessions addressing some of the most pressing issues in global Internet governance, including innovation, digital inclusion, sustainability, and emerging technologies.
We hope this week serves as a time for thoughtful reflection on the future of the Internet. The active participation of the Latin American and Caribbean community in this space is vital to ensuring that the region’s perspectives are heard and considered in global discussions.
LACNIC’s Commitment
LACNIC reaffirms its dedication to strengthening the multistakeholder model as the foundation for a stable, open, and inclusive Internet. Through initiatives such as the Líderes Program, the ongoing support for NRIs, and many other efforts, we continue to work on building capacities, fostering knowledge generation, and encouraging the active engagement of our community in global decision-making processes. We firmly believe in the power of regional collaboration to build a better global Internet.
The views expressed by the authors of this blog are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of LACNIC.