LACNIC Podcast: More than 10,000 Members with IPv6 Addresses


LACNIC Podcast: More than 10,000 Members with IPv6 Addresses

More than 10,000 LACNIC members have been assigned IPv6 address blocks, a figure that represents 96% of the organization’s membership base. Out of those, 45% are using IPv6 in their networks, making them visible in the Internet routing table. This data was provided by Carlos Martínez, LACNIC CTO, and Alfredo Verderosa, LACNIC CSO, during the latest LACNIC Podcast (in Spanish), which was moderated by Mariela Rocha, training specialist for the Regional Internet Registry for Latin America and the Caribbean.

During the podcast, Verderosa noted that, last year, LACNIC assigned 1,700 IPv6 address blocks.

Martínez mentioned that, of the 96% of IPv6 addresses assigned to LACNIC members, 45% are visible in the global routing tables, which means that not all members have deployed the addresses they have received. In any case, Martínez observed that this is a relatively good number but that there is room for improvement.

Considering Internet traffic in the region, 20% of users – one in five – use IPv6, Martínez said during the podcast, a rate that is in line with the global average. “Of course, we’d like this number to be higher, but the region has shown positive developments in recent years,” added LACNIC’s CTO.

According to LACNIC’s Technology Manager, the percentage of end users with IPv6 should be taken into account in the development of public policies in the countries of the region and by the services offered by providers.

Verderosa stressed the importance of accelerating IPv6 deployment plans, especially considering that IPv4 exhaustion is expected to take place during the second half of 2020.

The podcast is available on the following platforms (only in Spanish):


*Apple Podcasts


*Google Podcasts

*Pocket Casts

*Radio Public


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