What will TICAL2015 bring?

When there still rest three months for the fifth TICAL Conference –the only event that brings together leaders of Information and Communications Technologies and in Latin America- that is going to be held in the city of Viña del Mar (Chile) between July 6 and 8, its organization introduces the five international panelists who will share their experiences within the plenary sessions. With discount prices for those who register by May 31, TICAL2015 promises to surpass its previous editions.
María José López Pourailly
Colombia, Germany, Mexico, Portugal and the United States are the countries from which the five ICT specialists that will give content, life and action to the plenary presentations of TICAL2015 come. Meet them!
Susan Grajek
Vice-presidente de Dados, Pesquisa e Análise em EDUCAUSE
United States of America
Thematic line that will develop in TICAL2015: About the Top 10 Research on Higher Education Information Tecnology. Issues and Strategic Technologies
Susan Grajek is EDUCAUSE’s vice president for data, research, and analytics. She also has programmatic responsibility for EDUCAUSE cybersecurity, GRC (governance, risk and compliance) and administrative IT programs.
Before joining EDUCAUSE, she spent over 25 years at Yale University. She served as deputy relationship manager in Yale’s Information Technology Services (ITS) division. In that role, she oversaw ITS strategy, planning, relationship management, and project execution for the university’s academic administration and general counsel.
Andrés Holguín Coral
Coordinator of Technological Research, Innovation and Information Security University of the Andes
Thematic line that will develop in TICAL2015: Great challenges: Data Privacy and Information Security at the University.
Since 2006 Andrés Holguín is the coordinator of Technological Research, Innovation and Information Security at the Directorate of Services of Information and Technology (DSIT) of the University of the Andes, in Colombia, where he works since 2002. In this position, he is responsible for the Information Security. He is also responsible for advanced computing services for research and innovation.
Holguín is a Systems and Computing Engineer at the University of the Andes and has certifications in Information Security of ISCA CISM and SANS GCED.
MSc. Manuel Moreno Castañeda
Rector of the Virtual University System
University of Guadalajara
Thematic Line to develop in TICAL2015: ICT revolutionizing teaching
The MSc. Manuel Moreno Castañeda is Rector of the Virtual University System of the University of Guadalajara – which he also founded -, and Professor of History at the University of Guadalajara (Mexico). From 1964 to 1975 he was professor at all teaching levels and teacher trainer.
From the 90s to date, he is especially dedicated to research and teaching in distance education, advising projects of Mexico and of other countries; he has also been in charge of the organization of 17 international meetings of distance education.
Johann Pongratz
Senior Vice President for IT-Systems and Services – Chief Information Officer (CIO)
Technical University of München (TUM)
Thematic Line to develop in TICAL2015: Technological innovation according to university / Security Information Strategy at the University.
In addition to the general optimization of the TUM IT infrastructure, one of the main responsibilities of Hans Pongratz as CIO is overseeing various activities related to IT for teachers and students. The CIO is chair of the CIO Information Officer Committee at TUM, which drives the implementation of concepts designed to optimize the TUM information and communications infrastructure.
In 2004 Hans Pongratz got its Diploma in computer sciences (major) and economics (minor) at the Technical University of München. Since 2005 he has been scientific assistant in the same University, he worked in the Project elecTUM (Integrated E-Learning at TUM, s. www.tum.de/electum – 2005/2007), in project management of the large-scale project IntegraTUM (building and design of a universal IT infrastructure at TUM www.tum.de/integratum – 2007/2009). In addition he was head of sub-project integration within the project CM@TUM (introduction of a new Campus Management System, s. www.tum.de/iuk/cm), temporarily provisional sub-project leader course, module and room-management (2008 – 2009).
Eloy Rodrigues
Director of Documentation Services
University of Minho
Thematic Line to develop in TICAL2015: A governance framework for data and processes managing.
Eloy Rodrigues is Director of Documentation Services of the University of Minho, the focus of his work has been the development of digital libraries, the training of librarians and library users, and the promotion of the open access to scientific literature through the institutional repositories. He is the author of more than three dozen of articles, books and book chapters on these matters.
In 2003, he led the creation of the RepositoriUM – the institutional repository of the University of Minho, directing the service ever since. In the late 2004, he contributed to the definition of the policy of free access of the University to its scientific production.
Remember that only until May 31 you can subscribe to TICAL2015 with promotional prices (payment can be made via PayPal and VISA). Register today: http://tical2015.redclara.net/index.php/en/2014-11-07-17-49-57.
For more information about TICAL2015, please visit: http://tical2015.redclara.net/