What the 4th LACNIC in the Caribbean Meeting Left Us

For the first time, the LACNIC in the Caribbean event visited Haiti. The meeting took place from 18 to 20 July, 2012 in Port-au-Prince and was sponsored by AHTIC as the local host.
Although the country is still under the effects and consequences of the 2010 earthquake and despite the challenges that the Haitian people face every day, more than 130 people participated in the 4th LACNIC in the Caribbean meeting, far exceeding our expectations.
Eager to learn and acquire training, the audience had the opportunity to see first hand the latest progress being made to make it easier for a larger part of the population to have access to the Internet and ICTs, as well as new technological solutions to facilitate IPv6 deployment in the Caribbean, something that will eventually help overcome crises such as the one experienced in 2010.
The IPv6 training workshops offered by LACNIC staff had a high turnout, both the one aimed at a technical audience as well as the one for non-technical participants. In addition, many local ISP technicians had the chance to participate in the by-invitation-only intensive practical training session on IPv6 the goal of which was to facilitate the implementation of IPv6 within their organizations.
We left the country with the feeling of having contributed our bit, but also with the impression that a lot more needs to be done. For LACNIC this is both a challenge and a commitment, one that LACNIC assumes as part of its role of contributing to articulate initiatives for Internet development and stability in Latin America and the Caribbean.