Three Policy Proposals to Be Discussed at the LACNIC33 Online Public Forum

The LACNIC 33 Public Policy Forum will be held remotely on 5 May at 5:00 PM, chaired by Tomas Lynch and Ariel Weher.
Given the new format of this edition of the Forum, it was decided that three proposals will be analyzed with the community.
The author of each policy will have seven minutes to present their proposal, after which a member of the LACNIC staff will provide an impact analysis, and the Forum will proceed to discuss any questions that participants may have.
The policies. The first proposal that will be analyzed involves changes to the election procedure. This proposal establishes modifications to the procedure used to elect Forum chairs. Among other things, it proposes establishing the incompatibility of the role with other positions that are directly involved in the flow of the policy development process and that both chairs cannot be from the same country. It also adds the possibility of a one-time re-election, and it proposes issuing the call for candidates in February.
The second policy proposal the Forum will analyze is the elimination of the ASN requirement for end users. This proposal seeks to eliminate the obligation that end users must have an AS in order to make use of the addresses they are assigned. Currently, when an address is assigned to an end user, it must be announced from the recipient’s own autonomous system. The goal of the proposed policy is to eliminate this requirement.
The third policy that will be discussed addresses RPKI ROAs with Origin ASN 0. When using RPKI, an organization can issue a Routing Origin Authorization (ROA) that specifies a set of address blocks that can be announced with an origin and a specific ASN. Other organizations also using RPKI can use this information to make decisions about which route announcements are legitimate and which are not. It is also possible to issue an ROA with ASN 0 (zero) in its ASid field to specify that the address blocks it contains should not be accepted. This proposal recommends that LACNIC should create RPKI ROAs with ASN 0 for the Internet number resources that have not yet been allocated or assigned to specify that the announcements of networks with these addresses should not be accepted by networks using RPKI origin validation.
We remind you that, if you wish to participate in the Forum and other activities that will be part of the event, you must first register here.
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