The Two Major Events of 2018

Debut of the LACNIC Technical Forum. The first of LACNIC’s annual events, LACNIC 29 held in Panama, saw the launching of the LACNIC Technical Forum, a new format where the community presents their work on the topics most relevant to the Internet of today.
Highlights. The LACNIC 29 meeting included presentations on IPv6 deployment, the complexities of network routing and the latest cyberthreat scenarios. More than 620 participants from 34 countries attended the event, and 2,600 others followed the meeting remotely.
Part Two. LACNIC’s traditional second annual meeting, which is always co-located together with LACNOG, took place in the city of Rosario in late of September. As usual, the event included the participation of leading international speakers as well as workshops, panels and tutorials on security, Internet resource management policies, geolocation, Resource Certification System (RPKI), Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), and Domain Name System Security Extensions, among other relevant topics.