The LACNIC Internet Routing Registry Continues to Make Progress

The LACNIC Internet Routing Registry has now been fully operational for just over a year, and the information contributed by operators through the MiLACNIC platform during this time has allowed creating a database with information which other actors can use in their own routing systems.
This collaborative contribution is allowing operators to improve Internet routing integrity. “Internet service providers can use the information available in the IRR to develop routing plans and thus contribute to the process for creating BGP filters to allow or deny traffic on their networks,” said Guillermo Cicileo, Head of Research and Development at LACNIC in a recent article published in LACNIC Labs.
LACNIC IRR is available to all the operators in the region with access to the MiLACNIC platform. According to Cicileo, the more information that is contributed, the more overall Internet security and stability will improve and problems in global route announcements will be avoided.
During the tutorial entitled Secure Routing to be held within the framework of LACNIC 35, Cicileo will share details of how to create objects in LACNIC IRR, how to use them, how to query the IRR, and how to automatically configure routers based on this information.
All objects generated in LACNIC IRR are public and available through LACNIC’s FTP servers. They may also be queried through various web interfaces and the WHOIS service.
Origin of LACNIC IRR. The project was created as a result of the good level of RPKI adoption across the region —a technology that serves similar purposes in the protection of routing information— and the interest of the region’s operators in new options for improving Internet routing security. The needs for creating an IRR had already been discussed and analyzed by the Latin American and Caribbean technical community back in 2019.
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