The Fifth Edition of the IPv6 Challenge Comes with Great News


The Fifth Edition of the IPv6 Challenge Comes with Great News

Registration is open until March 13 to participate in the fifth edition of the IPv6 Challenge, a LACNIC initiative aimed at encouraging and promoting the use of the v6 protocol in Latin America and the Caribbean.

This year, the contest has great news: it is open to all organizations in the region, regardless of whether or not they are LACNIC members; entities or institutions that do not yet use or offer IPv6 services can also participate; and the winners will have the chance to increase their knowledge, as the prizes include free seats for LACNIC Campus courses.

In order to register, participants must set a goal that will allow them to implement or advance their IPv6 deployment and present their process and final results, said Alejandro Acosta, Coordinator of LACNIC’s R&D department. Projects will be presented in two stages, the first on 14 March and the second on 22 April.

The competition is open to both individuals and institutions within the thirty-three territories that are part of the LACNIC service region. Proposals must include plans for IPv6 deployment (even if IPv6 is not yet in use or being offered) or demonstrate recent implementations of services with IPv6 support.

The winners will be determined by a committee made up of experts from the region, and the prizes will be presented during the LACNIC 31 event in Punta Cana.

Since its first edition in 2017, the IPv6 Challenge has allowed many organizations in the region to organize their IPv6 deployment and substantially increase their services with this protocol after participating in subsequent editions. The Ipv6 Challenge was created within the framework of what was formerly known as the Latin American IPv6 Forum (today part of the LACNIC Technical Forum) and was promoted by Azael Fernández with the support of LACNIC R&D department.

At the following link, you will find all the steps to submit your proposal for this year’s challenge. If you have any further questions, you can also click here. Likewise, a short webinar will be provided to answer all your questions.

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