The Call for Presentations for the LACNIC 2023 Technical Forum is Now Open

The Evaluation Committee of the LACNIC 2023 Technical Forum, which will be held in the city of Mérida, Mexico, on 8 to 12 May 2023, has received the first presentations from applicants who wish to share their work at LACNIC’s first event of the year.
For those interested in exhibiting at the LACNIC 2023 Technical Forum, the deadline to submit proposals is 16 February 2023. Two types of presentations will be accepted for the LACNIC Technical Forum: 10-minute presentation plus 5 minutes for questions or 20-minute presentation plus 5 minutes for questions.
So far, several proposals have been presented on different topics such as: IoT security, and access security and routing, among others.
These first proposals were submitted based on the list on technical topics provided: operation of IP networks; Internet protocols; Domain Name System; interconnection of autonomous systems; IPv6: transition, deployment, progress; measurements, tools and analysis of Internet protocols and the Internet in general; cybersecurity; protocols and experiences related to the Internet of Things, among others.
Once all the proposals are received, the Evaluation Committee will rate and assess each work according to three criteria: technical quality, originality, and value in sharing the work. Selected applicants will be notified on March 23.
For this edition, LACNIC has limited funds to finance the in-person participation of the speakers in the event, so presentations may be given either on site or remotely.
We invite you to submit your proposals here.