Registration Now Open for a New Edition of the IPv6 in Last-Mile Networks Course (in Spanish)

LACNIC’s Online Campus has opened registration for the second edition of its new course “IPv6 in Last-Mile Networks,” a training proposal aimed at engineers, experts and those responsible for network development at Service Providers (ISPs).
After a successful first edition involving the participation of 134 students, it is now time for another opportunity this year. Registration will remain open until 14 September. Training will begin on 21 September.
Participants will be able to use any device to join the course on the LACNIC Campus. The number of participants will be limited and registration will be free of charge for LACNIC members (who may register through MILACNIC).
The course is divided into six modules and its extensive technical content allows participants to learn how to deploy IPv6 in last-mile networks, and includes configuration demonstrations and practical examples. Instructor José Cotúa will be at the disposal of the students to answer any questions they may have.
At the end of each module, students may choose to complete a self-evaluation to measure their progress. In order to obtain the LACNIC certification, students must pass the final evaluation.
According to the evaluations conducted by the LACNIC Campus, participants of prior editions of the course have expressed high levels of satisfaction with the training they received.
Among their comments, participants highlighted the explanation of an ISP and its contents, the precise information provided for planning an IPv6 deployment, the instructor’s contribution and his willingness to answer participants’ questions, the inclusion of practical examples, and the detailed information provided on each topic. Check out the details of the program and click here to register.