Online Tutorials on IPv6 Network Operation and Secure Routing

The LACNIC 33 online event that will be held from 4 to 8 May will include three tutorials, two of them open to the entire community and one of them especially designed for LACNIC members.
To participate in the two open tutorials and other virtual activities scheduled for the week, it is important to register here.
IPv6 and Secure Routing. The tutorial titled IPv6 Network Operation will take place on Monday 4 May from 14:00 to 15:50 UTC. Jorge Cano, Uesley Correa and Alejandro Acosta will be the instructors responsible for this activity.
The tutorial will address topics related to the operation of IPv6 networks and will provide the tools needed to deploy IPv6. Instructors will present the characteristics of IPv6 addresses, the requirements for publishing IPv6 prefixes via BGP, how users can limit their use of IPv4 addresses, and the best ways to implement the transition to the new protocol.
In turn, the Secure Routing tutorial will be held on Thursday 7 May from 14:00 to 15:50 UTC. This tutorial will be presented by Mariela Rocha, Erika Vega and Guillermo Cicileo, and will cover the latest tools and best practices in Internet routing security. It will also provide information on route-leaks, route hijacking and other problems affecting the BGP, analyzing which options operators have to solve them.
Other topics that the tutorial will also explore include the validation system developed by LACNIC and NIC MX as part of the FORT project, LACNIC’s Internet Routing Registry, the UP-DOWN in RPKI, and the possibility of having our own CA.
For LACNIC Members. A special tutorial for LACNIC members will be presented on Friday 8 May from 14:00 to 14:50 UTC. The main purpose of this activity will be for participants to gain in-depth knowledge of the features of MiLACNIC and to learn how to use them. It is geared towards representatives of organizations that are already members of the organization and have been assigned IPv4 and/or IPv6 resources directly by LACNIC.
Click here to register and participate.