One Step Closer: ICANN and Regional Internet Registries Sign SLA


One Step Closer: ICANN and Regional Internet Registries Sign SLA

ICANN and the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) signed the Service Level Agreement (SLA) for the IANA Numbering Services during the ICANN 56 meeting held in Helsinki.

This agreement documents the arrangements for provision by ICANN of IANA numbering services, after the IANA stewardship transition which is expected to occur on 30 September.

The signing of the SLA –which will only come into effect with the transition–  is a significant milestone in the long process of transition planning which began in March 2014 with the United States Government announcement. The process involved huge efforts by the Internet number community collectively, and by teams such as CRISP created specifically for this task.

In particular, the NRO Executive Council expressed its sincere thanks for the contribution of CRISP Team members during the past year and a half and their work on the IANA stewardship transition process. The CRISP team worked tirelessly to integrate and consolidate the views from the five different regional communities into a single proposal. Now that the work of the CRISP team is complete, the NRO has announced the team’s formal dissolution.

Finally, the NRO EC also acknowledged the support of the ICANN Board and staff who worked hard with them to finalize the SLA and ensure it was completed on time.

The final version of the SLA is available at

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