Líderes Project Makes Two Calls for Proposals to Support Internet Governance Discussions

LACNIC’s Líderes Project, an initiative aimed at institutionalizing the support provided throughout the years to national and regional Internet governance forums based on the multistakeholder model, has decided to hold two calls for proposals in 2018, with a view to encourage the participation of young leaders in the Latin American and Caribbean Internet Governance Forum (LACIGF) and to strengthen the promotion of national forums in the countries of the region.
The Líderes Project has fostered the participation of the community in governance forums throughout the region and has allowed the presence of LACNIC experts at national Internet policy discussion meetings to share their knowledge and experience on the most relevant Internet and governance issues.
This year there will be two calls for proposals. One of them will offer support to community leaders to encourage them to become involved and allow their voice to be heard at LACIGF debates. The other will offer support to more incipient national communities organized to discuss Internet governance issues.
Kevon Swift, Head of Strategic Relations and Integration at LACNIC, confirmed that the aim of the project this year is to support new proposals interested in Internet governance so that, in turn, they can share their practices and experiences during the LACIGF meeting.
“We have to ensure that LACIGF provides a space and opportunities so that these younger initiatives can participate as well,” said Paula Oteguy, Strategic Relations Officer at LACNIC.
Agenda and Common Interests. Swift placed particular emphasis on addressing the multistakeholder model in the organization of Internet policy spaces in Latin America and the Caribbean.
“The real objective is that this way of approaching Internet issues will be appropriated by these spaces, that their agendas will be prepared and their funds coordinated in a democratic manner, and that topics will be discussed and decided by all interested parties,” Swift added.
LACNIC permanently promotes the multistakeholder model for Internet Governance. “At the national level, these spaces are of great importance, as they strengthen local mechanisms. The participation of all stakeholders is necessary to achieve balance,” concluded the Head of Strategic Relations and Integration at LACNIC.