LACNIC’s Líderes Program Selects 16 Research Projects on Internet Governance Topics

LACNIC’s Líderes 2.0 program announced that it has selected 16 winning projects as a result of its call for research proposals on Internet Governance topics including Internet and the Pandemic: Impacts on Human Rights, Digital Inclusion, and Security and Trust.
The winning projects were selected among 45 proposals submitted by members of the community across Latin America and the Caribbean. It is expected that the work of the 16 participants will increase the knowledge on new aspects of Internet Governance in the region.
Kevon Swift, Head of Strategic Relations at LACNIC, stressed that the selection had prioritized geographical diversity.
These are the 16 selected projects:
– IXPs as an Instrument for Expanding Digital Inclusion, by Héctor Huici (Argentina);
– Surveillance in Schools? Impact of the Use of e-Proctoring Technologies on Privacy in Latin America, by Carlos Guerrero (Peru);
– Are We Connecting? Digital Inclusion Beyond Connectivity, by Luíza Couto Chaves Brandão (Brazil);
– Codes of Digital Coexistence: Proper Cybersecurity Habits for Schoolchildren, by Noralí Duin Picón (Panama);
– Digital Literacy for Inclusion and Active Participation of Young People, by Kindy Vereus Montreuil (Haiti);
– Challenges and strategies for access to information and communication technology, platforms and the Internet by women over 40 in Aguascalientes during the pandemic for working remotely, by Angélica Contreras (Mexico);
– Perception of Internet Connectivity in Central America with Respect to Distance from Urban Centers, by Sascha Ram (Panama);
– Reporting on the Digital Divide in Panama During the Pandemic, by Raisa Urribarri (Panama);
– Glocal Mesh Networks LATAM – Amplifying Internet Governance Communities, by Soledad Magnone (Uruguay);
– Strategies to Prevent Digital Violence Against Women, by Jerónimo Linan (Argentina);
– Digital Health Policies in LAC: Where Do We Stand and What Can Governments Do?, by Mark Datysgeld (Brazil);
– The Internet from the Perspective of the Rural Residents of the Tiradentes Settlement in the City of Mari-PB: Using the Internet in the Face of Local Challenges, by Lucas Samuel da Silva (Brazil);
– Mapping Cyberbullying Cases and Its Effects on Victims in Haiti, by Obed Sindy (Haiti);
– The Backhaul Barrier: The Greatest Obstruction to an Equitable Internet, by Edwin Reed-Sanchez (Nicaragua);
– Current Status of Data Encryption in Nicaragua, by Oscar Danilo González Navarrete (Nicaragua); and
– Lessons Learned for the Continuity of Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic, by Hector Maida (El Salvador).
Mentors and publication. In addition to receiving funds to conduct their research over the course of three months, each successful applicant will be supported by Raquel Gatto, Nigel Cassimire, Miguel Ignacio Estrada, Kevon Swift and Paula Oteguy, who will serve as mentors for the Líderes 2.0 program.
The final papers will be submitted by 17 February and will then be published on the Lideres Program section of LACNIC’s website.
Lideres 2.0 would like to thank all applicants for their interest in the program and hopes to consider those who were not selected in a second edition of the program scheduled to take place next year.