LACNIC Supports Applied Research at Universities in the Region


LACNIC Supports Applied Research at Universities in the Region

In 2022, LACNIC began to collaborate in the development of applied research, initially with research teams at five universities in the region working on topics with significant preliminary results. All these lines of research are aligned with LACNIC’s mission, particularly the importance of developing technological capabilities and applied research for a stable and open Internet at the regional level.

The organization’s alliances with the University of Montevideo (Uruguay), the University of Palermo (Argentina), the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Studies (Mexico), the Federal University of Rio Grande (Brazil), and the University of Los Andes (Colombia), along with their managers and research teams, have made it possible to work on the development of knowledge and the dissemination of research with a focus on priority issues for LACNIC, as well as to find solutions to the challenges presented by the strengthening the Internet.

The goal of this LACNIC initiative is to promote, support, and disseminate research that has already achieved preliminary results, has potential for impact, and practical application.

The projects we are currently supporting include Optimization and security of autonomous system routing in the Internet, by Cristina Mayr (School of Engineering, University of Montevideo, Uruguay); Palermo congestion control, application to different types of services and infrastructure, benchmarking vs. other advanced applications, promoted by Alejandro Popovsky (School of Engineering, University of Palermo, Argentina); Identification and mitigation of DDoS attacks in Software Defined Networks for IoT, by Jesús Arturo Pérez Díaz (Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico); Remote peering, by Pedro de Botelho Marcos (Center for Computer Sciences, Brazil); and IoT TEA related to network architecture for supporting the new QoS and cybersecurity requirements in IoT, by Enrique Donoso Meisel (School of Engineering).

Our idea is to consolidate networks and actions with researchers, centers, groups, labs, and academic institutions.

Our focus is on four topics:

Network Architecture and Operation

Monitoring, measurement, management, optimization, automation and/or innovation in network architecture and operation related to one or more of the following priority topics:

  • BGP
  • DNS
  • Protocols
  • Performance

Traffic Engineering and Interconnection

Monitoring, measurement, management, control, modeling, optimization and/or innovation in one or more of the priority topics and related to the specific areas below:

  • IXPs
  • CDNs
  • BGP
  • QoS

Cryptography, Security and Resilience

Contribution to Internet security and resilience, the prevention of, and response to, attacks, incidents and anomalies in Internet infrastructure, and the generation of innovative approaches and solutions with a special emphasis on the priority issues detailed below:

  • DNS (approaches such as DNSSEC or others)
  • Routing Security
  • RPKI and/or Extensions
  • Route Origin Validation
  • IoT
  • DDoS
  • Malware

Future Development of the Internet

This line of work and research seeks to contribute to the future development of the Internet in the LAC region. Its approach is broad and places special emphasis on addressing the regional challenges posed by the priority topics detailed below:

  • IPv6
  • High performance computing
  • Use of Blockchain and its applications
  • Other innovative topics related to the line of work and research

We invite universities and researchers interested in joining the initiative to send us their proposals by completing the online form available on our website.

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