LACNIC present at ISOC, RIPE & IETF meetings

Those areas of Latin America and the Caribbean that do not deploy IPv6 will be “disconnected” from the more developed world, warned Oscar Robles, LACNIC CEO, during the panel on “Issues beyond access: what we need once we are connected” held as part of the Regional Internet Development Dialogues.
Organized in Buenos Aires by the Internet Society, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Argentine National Ministry of Communications, this meeting of ICT experts tried to find common understandings for joint strategic policies that will boost Internet connectivity.
There was consensus among the panelists that connectivity should be at the service of people and create opportunities for social and human development. In this sense, Robles noted that “not any Internet will help us achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, but one that allows us to innovate freely.”
In the opinion of LACNIC’s CEO, “in order for the Internet to favor education and employment, the region needs good bandwidth.” However, only Mexico, Uruguay and Chile are above the regional 6 MBp/s average.
RIPE. Laura Kaplan, Development and Cooperation Manager at LACNIC, participated in the RIPE 73 meeting organized by the European RIR in Madrid, Spain.
Kaplan presented LACNIC‘s security and stability initiatives at this event held in Madrid in late October. The video is available at
IETF. Meanwhile, Carlos Martínez, LACNIC CTO, and Guillermo Cicileo, Head of LACNIC’s Internet Security and Stability Program, attended the meeting of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) held on 12-18 November in Seoul, South Korea.
The IETF is the meeting of professionals representing various fields that defines the protocols that will shape the Internet in the coming years.