LACNIC Campus to offer a new course

After training 1,983 Latin American and Caribbean experts and professionals in 2016, this year LACNIC Campus has announced it is launching new online training offerings and the incorporation of a course titled “Basic BGP and Introduction to RPKI.”
Two editions of the BGP course will be offered, one during the first quarter, the other towards the end of the year. These will add to the six editions of the Basic IPv6 course and the four editions of the Advanced IPv6 course.
All courses will be offered in virtual format and will include various modules that participants will complete according to their own pace and in their own time.
During 2016, LACNIC used this new form of e-learning to provide six editions of the Basic IPv6 course, four editions of the Advanced IPv6 course, and one edition of the TestingV6 course. A total of 1,983 individuals participated in these activities.
The LACNIC Campus has allowed centralizing training for the region’s professionals on priority issues such as IPv6 development, and meeting the growing demands of the Latin American and Caribbean community for training in a variety of areas related to Internet development.
The LACNIC Campus currently has 5,638 registered users, 2,818 of which registered during the past year.
Courses in the highest demand.- The two courses in the highest demand are Basic IPv6 and Advanced IPv6. The Basic IPv6 course of is self-paced, user friendly, and involves watching videos, reading various texts and completing exercises, before taking a final exam and obtaining the corresponding certificate. It is especially geared towards network administrators, software developers, network equipment vendors, students, teachers and IT professionals. In turn, the Advanced IPv6 course is aimed at those who have already completed the basic course and are seeking to further their knowledge of the IPv6 protocol. This course demands approximately five to ten hours per week, a total of 60 hours including classes and the final evaluation. This format allows students to communicate with a teacher. Classes are 100% on line and tutored.
In all courses, participants have the constant support of the campus administrator.
Anyone interested in participating in the courses to be offered this year must first register on LACNIC’s E-Learning Platform: