LACNIC at the Latin American Telecommunications Congress

LACNIC will have a strong presence at the upcoming Latin American Telecommunications Congress (CLT 018) to be held in Cuba, an event that will bring together telecommunications operators, regulators, executives, members of academia, and analysts of the Latin American and Caribbean digital economy.
The Congress will run from 11 to 15 June and will take place in Varadero, where participants will analyze and debate the challenges for developing connectivity and the digital market in Latin America, new mechanisms for investing in broadband infrastructure, and public-private collaboration for achieving sustainable models in the digital industry, among other relevant topics.
Together with other technical organizations such as ISOC and ICANN, LACNIC has been accompanying CLT meetings and their discussion of public policies in Latin America and the Caribbean for some time.
Because of the significant interest the Congress has generated in Cuba, the organizing committee is also working on a preparatory meeting – CLTx – which will be held in Cartagena, Colombia, on 20 April, co-located with the Sixth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean. CLTx will address key points of discussion ahead of CLT to gather opinions and content proposals for inclusion in the agenda
The Cuban agenda. The key discussion topics of the eight panels and three flash sessions of the CLT18 plenary session have been announced. The eight panels are expected to address the following topics: New financing mechanisms to expand broadband networks, eLAC2020 agenda, Model regulatory framework for convergence, ICT for achieving sustainable development goals, Focus on Internet governance from Latin America, Internet access and innovation, Strategy for growth and economic development, spectrum pricing in Latin America, and EU-Latam collaboration.
This year’s event will also include three flash sessions to address the following issues: market structures in Central America, the role of satellite in the 5G ecosystem, and an overview of the digital economy in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The agenda for the four-day regional meeting also includes a series of seminars and parallel meetings to complete a busy week for the regional ICT industry: CPR LATAM and workshops organized by different organizations.
The organization of CLT is led jointly by the United Nations International Telecommunication Union (ITU), CAF – Development Bank of Latin America, the Inter-American Association of Telecommunications Companies (ASIET), and other organizations that are part of the global mobile ecosystem. Cuba’s Ministry of Communications and the national Telecommunications Company (ETECSA) will be hosting the event, while Colombia – last year’s host – will be the guest country.
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