First Course to be delivered in English at LACNIC Campus


First Course to be delivered in English at LACNIC Campus

The LACNIC Campus will offer the first English course on basic IPv6. This new training proposal seeks to satisfy the growing demand for training students and professionals from English-speaking countries in the region, and is part of a process of continuous improvement of the Campus, which adds innovative tools to its educational platform every year.

The registration for the first 2019 edition of this basic IPv6 English course will take place from 1st to 15th May. Anyone interested in participating can click here.

The course will start on May 20 in virtual format and will include four modules which participants must complete according to their own pace and in their own time.

The proposal provides an overview of the latest Internet protocol and addresses plans and strategies on IPv6 network deployment. It is especially geared towards network administrators, software developers, network equipment vendors, students, teachers and IT professionals.

The basic IPv6 course is self-paced and approachable. The format includes watching videos, reading texts and completing exercises before taking a final exam and obtaining the corresponding certificate.

Along with the English edition, the second edition of the basic IPv6 Spanish course will also open registration. Anyone interested can register from 1 to 10 May. The course begins on 20 May.

LACNIC Campus has become a regional referent on IPv6 training, offering two courses: one on basic IPv6 and other on advanced IPv6.

Last year, more than 2000 students and professionals from the region passed the different courses (IPv6, BGP, RPKI) offered by LACNIC’s educational platform.

As a result of the high demand for distance training, new courses were added for this year and a total of 15 editions of the different online educational proposals were scheduled. A tool was also created so that participants can follow their courses from any device by downloading the Moodle application.

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