First 2018 On The Move in Paraguay

Paraguay received the first 2018 edition of LACNIC On The Move in a historic event involving 80 IT professionals from private and public companies, the government sector and local universities.
During three days, LACNIC together with the National Computer Science Center (CNC), COPACO (the Paraguayan Company of Communications),, and Teisa, developed training workshops and technical talks on IPv6 deployment, BGP, and the Internet of Things, as well as the key aspects that are currently discussed in relation to network stability and security.
It was “a historic event for Paraguay” said the Rector of the National University of Paraguay, Héctor Rojas.
Graciela Martínez, Head of WARP and one of the LACNIC professionals who participated in training their Paraguayan colleagues, noted the initiative was well received among the participants, who showed great interest in acquiring knowledge on IPv6 deployment.
She highlighted the diversity in terms of the sectors represented in the workshops held at the event, and the natural synergy that coexisted within the different topics related to the Internet. “Professionals were very participative and willing to move forward with IPv6 deployment,” Martínez added.
In the workshops and meeting places to exchange ideas and projects, Conatel (Paraguay’s Telecommunications Regulator) and Teisa (service provider) were open to collaborate with all stakeholders and to facilitate IPv6 deployment in Paraguay.
Sergio Rojas, Registry Service Specialist at LACNIC, presented the LACNIC programs to train and finance projects, as well as the mechanisms for IPv4 current status and policy development. Guillermo Cicileo, Head of LACNIC’s Internet Security & Stability Program, was responsible for IPv6 training and workshop, and the development and best practices on IXPs; while Martínez led the workshop on Information Security Incident Management and presented statistics on the types of attacks suffered in the region.
Meanwhile, the development of the Internet of Things and digital inclusion was in charge of Mariel Aranda and Ricardo Aveiro of the Internet Society Paraguay Chapter (ISOC).
SENATICs presented the National Cybersecurity Plan of Paraguay, which has worked in five main areas, very aligned with the issues raised by LACNIC WARP.
“Paraguay has consolidated its National Cybersecurity Plan. They are concerned about protecting critical infrastructures and encouraging the academic grid on security issues. The national CSIRT has already been working for some years, very concerned about the citizen, “said Martinez.
To watch the videos on the presentations held during the event click here.