Casa de Internet highlighted as an example during ICANN 53

During the opening session of the ICANN 53 meeting held in the last week of June in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Casa de Internet for Latin America and the Caribbean, a space located in Montevideo, Uruguay, was highlighted as the only initiative of its kind and an example of synergy among Internet organizations.
ICANN meeting organizers underlined the relevance of the Casa de Internet initiative and the work of the Latin American and Caribbean regional organizations towards joining efforts and developing projects with each other. A video showcasing this one-of-a-kind space was also presented during the opening ceremony
After mentioning Casa de Internet as an example, Fadi Chehade, ICANN CEO, stressed that Internet development can only be achieved through joint work and the creation of synergies between ICANN, the RIRs, the IETF, and every other organization representing the technical community throughout the world.
A large LACNIC delegation participated in ICANN 53 activities and sessions, led by Oscar Robles, the organization’s CEO.
LACNIC staff was actively engaged in the various ICANN sessions and meetings, and marked their presence with a booth – the LAC Lounge – which served as a point of reference for attendees interested in learning about various Latin American and Caribbean initiatives and projects.
This was the space chosen to set up Live the IPv6 Experience!, where LACNIC and ICANN promoted several initiatives developed by LACNIC that allowed attendees to learn more about IPv6 and what the implementation of this protocol involves. These initiatives included the IPv6 song; the Analytical Network Game for Education & Learning, a free, open-source game for learning about computer networks; and a video telling the story of an ISP that didn’t deploy IPv6.