An Analysis of IPv4 Address Transfers

IPv4 address block transfers between organizations in the LACNIC region and with operators in other Regional Internet Registry (RIR) service regions have grown since they were first implemented and continue to do so.
According to an analysis presented at LACNIC 35 by Gianina Pensky, Head of Registration Services at LACNIC, Argentina is the country that transferred the highest number of blocks, both within the region (intra-RIR transfers) as well as to other registries (inter-RIR transfers).

Intra-RIR IPv4 address transfers were enabled in March 2016 through policies approved by the LACNIC community and ratified by the LACNIC Board. Inter-RIR IPv4 transfers were later implemented in July 2020. In the case of inter-RIR transfers, it should be noted that the LACNIC staff, in cooperation with the Mexican and Brazilian NIRs, worked intensely on at least fifteen systems developed by LACNIC, including WHOIS, Mi LACNIC, RPKI, IRR, reverse DNS, and others.
Transfers growing year to year. According to Pensky, statistics show that the behavior of transfers in the region from 2016 to April this year has been one of growth.

A regional analysis by country shows that Brazil had the highest number of transfers and is the country that transferred the most IP addresses, followed closely by Argentina. Brazil is also the country with the highest number of transfers and the one which received the highest number of IP addresses.
Argentina is the country that has transferred the most addresses outside its borders, almost 100,000 IP addresses. It is followed by Panama, with 95,000.
Inter-RIR transfers. LACNIC received seven inbound transfers and originated 19 outbound transfers for a total of 26 inter-RIR transfers.

Argentina topped the list of countries with the most outgoing transfers, while Brazil received the highest number of incoming transfers.