Adriana Ibarra “Over the next 15 years we should see a more active community”

Increased participation of women in Internet-related issues – particularly in the spaces promoted by LACNIC – has revitalized the role of women in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) at regional level.
Driven by the LACNIC community itself, this phenomenon has had different protagonists, among them Adriana Ibarra, a Mexican lawyer specializing in Intellectual property and electronic media who has been involved in LACNIC’s activities practically since the organization was created.
Ibarra, however, chooses not to look back and instead imagines the future. The next 15 years should be marked by greater participation of the community and civil society organizations, with a focus on protecting basic rights such as privacy.
What was your relationship with the world of ICTs like 15 years ago?
In 2000 I began working in the intellectual property department of Mexican university Tecnológico de Monterrey and as legal adviser to NIC.MX. That was the start of my involvement with domain names and IP numbers, and my introduction to the world of ICTs.
When and how did your relationship with LACNIC begin?
I believe it was in 2002, when LACNIC and the ccTLDs started to formalize their relationship. Back then, I had the chance to review and negotiate several legal documents, including the agreements between LACNIC and NIC.MX. I was later invited to run for a place on the Fiscal Commission.
What roles have you played within the LACNIC community? Did they meet your expectations? What aspects would you highlight?
I’ve been serving on the Fiscal Commission, LACNIC’s control organ, since 2003. My role includes supervising that all accounting and administrative standards are met, and ensuring compliance with LACNIC’s legal and statutory framework. The Fiscal Commission is responsible for submitting before the Member Assembly a report on the organization’s financial statements and their approval. It has been a great experience. My expectations have been more than exceeded. I am thankful to the community for their trust and for the opportunity to interact with professionals from different countries and different backgrounds, and especially for allowing me to play a part, however small, in Internet development in the LAC region.
What role do you think the LACNIC community has played in the management of number resources over the past 15 years?
The LACNIC community has been essential for the development and protection of the Internet in our region. Its leadership within the community and at international level have made LACNIC a key promoter of training activities and projects throughout the region.
What are the LACNIC community’s identifying features?
Leadership, transparency, great technical capacity and —above all— the warmth of its community.
How do you envision Internet governance 15 years from now?
I envision greater participation of society and civil society organizations, and a balance between continued Internet development and the protection of basic rights including privacy. I also envision specific projects to provide access to infrastructure and training. An inclusive Internet with greater participation of women and minorities.