A Better Prepared Community

More than 8,200 professionals were trained in 2018. This year, LACNIC trained more than 8,200 professionals representing companies and public and private organizations of Latin America and the Caribbean through its various educational platforms. These professionals participated in training activities on security, IPv6, RPKI, incident management, interconnection, DNSSEC, and other topics. More than 1,480 experts passed the courses offered through the LACNIC CAMPUS, 4,600 others participated in the different webinars held over the course of the year, and more than 1,940 attended LACNIC’s face-to-face training offerings.
Ayitic Goes Global. In Haiti, LACNIC launched its online training and digital employment program for Haitian women and technicians along with Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC). This project seeks to create conditions that will help increase women’s access to the digital employment market while strengthening the capabilities of the local technical community. The first editions of both courses were successfully completed.
Partnering with Google. LACNIC signed an agreement with Google to work on strengthening digital markets in countries of Central America and the Caribbean by implementing different training initiatives. The experience included the Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Trinidad and Tobago. In each of the three countries, LACNIC and Google offered a one-and-a-half-day course on interconnection and a half-day workshop on entrepreneurship and digital marketing. This project seeks to strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem and local connectivity.