Increased Use of LACNIC’s Online Training Opportunities


Increased Use of LACNIC’s Online Training Opportunities

According to the annual survey conducted by international consultant Mercoplus among more than 5,500 members of the Regional Internet Registry, the Latin American and Caribbean community is making greater use of LACNIC products and services.


The latest customer satisfaction survey revealed a large increase in the demand for LACNIC’s virtual training offerings, which are now being used by 42% of the organization’s members.

“Almost half of our customers are taking advantage of our online training initiatives, a significant increase from the previous 7%. This percentage is even higher – 68% – if we include LACNIC’s in-person training activities,” noted Alfredo Verderosa, LACNIC Services Manager. The greatest growth in terms of online training participation was registered in Central America.

The survey highlights a high level of satisfaction with training outcomes: according to Mercoplus, 93% of members are satisfied or very satisfied with online training and 94% with in-person training activities.

Also according to Mercoplus, for the fifth consecutive year LACNIC maintained a very good level of satisfaction among its clients in regards to the services the organization offers in the 33 Latin American and Caribbean territories that make up its service region.

Results of the consultant’s research show that 94% of LACNIC’s 5,500 members are very satisfied or satisfied with the work and services provided by the Internet Address Registry for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Compared to the previous survey, results show a significant improvement in the opinion of our Central American and Caribbean clients, said LACNIC’s Customer Manager.

According to the data gathered by Mercoplus, in the last year only 3% of LACNIC’s more than 5,500 members submitted a complaint regarding the services provided by the organization, and two out of three of those complaints were solved to the customer’s satisfaction. Likewise, nine out of 10 members expressed high levels of satisfaction with LACNIC’s solutions and response times.

The positive opinion expressed by LACNIC members is reflected in a high level of commitment, as 88% would recommend the organization if someone were to ask.

LACNIC’s resource allocation (IPv4, IPv6 y ASN) services were also rated highly in terms of customer satisfaction: 91% of respondents are very satisfied with this service.

The survey shows that LACNIC members have a close relationship with the organization and, on average, have contact with LACNIC four times a year. Participating in events and courses accounts for the largest part of this contact.

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