The LACNIC Campus to Offer Two Editions of Its Basic IPv6 Course in English


The LACNIC Campus to Offer Two Editions of Its Basic IPv6 Course in English

This year, the LACNIC Campus will have two editions of the English version of its Basic IPv6 course. After a successful initial experience in 2019, the Campus has decided to expand its training opportunities for students and professionals in English-speaking countries in the LAC region, and two IPv6 courses will be presented at no cost for participants.

Registration for the first edition of this course will open on February 3rd and will continue until March 2nd.

Classes will begin on March 9th and will include four online modules that participants will complete at their own pace and in their own time. Once completed, participants who pass the final examination will receive a certification from LACNIC.

Participants of the first editions were very complimentary of the course. “The content of each module allowed us to learn the basics of the new version of the IPv6 protocol,” said one of the students who completed the course in 2019.

Other aspects highlighted by the students were the possibility of downloading each module in PDF format for future reference and the examples in video format that helped them understand the theory behind IPv6.

In their comments, students spoke highly of the e-learning platform, which they considered very intuitive and complete, as well as of the possibility of taking the course at their own pace.

The proposal offers information on the latest version of the Internet protocol and addresses plans and strategies for deploying IPv6 networks. It is especially geared towards network administrators, software developers, network equipment vendors, students, teachers and IT professionals.

This year, registration will also open for the Spanish version of the course, three editions of which will be presented. Registration for the first edition will begin on March 23rd.

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