Increased Client Satisfaction with LACNIC Services


Increased Client Satisfaction with LACNIC Services

According to the survey conducted this year by international consultants MERCOPLUS to determine how members of the Internet Addresses Registry for Latin America and the Caribbean rate the services provided by the organization, more than nine out of ten LACNIC clients are satisfied or very satisfied with how the regional RIR is managed.

The results of the research conducted by MERCOPLUS show that 92% of customers were very satisfied with the work of LACNIC and its staff during 2018.

This survey confirms that satisfaction levels among LACNIC customers have remained high during the period in which measurements have been conducted (2014-2016-2018). This latest survey shows that 70% of respondents are very satisfied with LACNIC.

LACNIC currently has 8,000 members, having incorporated nearly 3,000 new member companies and organizations in the past two years.

Assignments are quick and fair. According to the MERCOPLUS survey, clients are also very satisfied with the resource assignment process (IPv4, IPv6 and ASN): nine out of ten members replied that it is very easy or easy to request resources from LACNIC. Satisfaction with resource allocation times also increased considerably, with 88% of respondents noting that these times are quick and fair.

Likewise, 92% of clients expressed their approval of the speed with which LACNIC staff responds to their queries and claims, and there was a significant increase in the number of members who are very satisfied with this service (this figure grew from 48% to 56% in the latest measurement). In turn, 88% of clients replied they are very satisfied or satisfied with how LACNIC had replied to their queries.

Members also expressed high levels of satisfaction with LACNIC staff: 92% of members highlighted the problem-solving abilities, technical skills and clarity of the LACNIC staff they had interacted with.

Satisfaction with the fees set by the organization. There was an increase in the number of members who are satisfied or very satisfied with the annual fee they pay for LACNIC resources and services. This year, 66% noted they are satisfied or very satisfied, a very positive figure considering that this year saw the introduction of a new membership structure.

The survey also revealed that members are aware of the services offered by LACNIC. In this sense, participation in online training activities (51%) has grown significantly compared to the results of the surveys conducted in 2014 and 2016. Members also expressed a high level of satisfaction (4.5 over 5) with this service.

The full survey (in Spanish) is available at the following link.

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