LACNIC Campus: 2,000 individuals trained in one year


LACNIC Campus: 2,000 individuals trained in one year

LACNIC Campus provided training to close to 2,000 Latin American and Caribbean experts and professionals through nine online courses and workshops held in the first year after its Training Center was launched.

In 2015, LACNIC’s new e-learning initiative offered two FRIDA workshops, five editions of the Basic IPv6 course, one Advanced IPv6 course and one TestingV6 course.

This Training Center was created to centralize and manage the broad and varied range of courses, workshops and seminars LACNIC offers almost daily to experts and professionals in various countries of the region and worldwide. This virtual space has allowed centralizing training for the region’s professionals on priority issues such as IPv6 development, and meeting the growing demand for training of the Latin American and Caribbean community in a variety of areas related to Internet development.

During this first year, 2,758 users registered on LACNIC’s Training Center, of which 1,967 attended one or more courses.

Five editions of the Basic IPv6 course were offered, four of which were part of the original program while the fifth was a special, members-only edition for which 1,604 LACNIC members registered. Likewise, more than 30 professionals registered for the Advanced IPv6 and  TestingV6 courses.

More than 330 participants registered for the FRIDA workshops.

LACNIC’s Online Campus had very good visibility and more than 285,000 visits, most of them from Argentina, Colombia and Venezuela.

In addition, 76 videos (in both Spanish and English) were uploaded to the Campus’s YouTube channel for participants of the various courses. These videos were viewed 30,494 times.

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