LACNIC Campus: Online Courses on IPv6 and Networks

With nearly 800 registered participants and a change of format, the 2020 edition of the online course titled “Introduction to Network Management” is preparing to go live on the LACNIC Campus.
Registration to participate in this digital training activity designed by LACNIC will remain open until 25 May. The course is set to begin on June 1st and participants will have time to complete the modules until 24 August.
This training course on network management is geared towards the entire Latin American and Caribbean Internet community and takes place once a year. This time, students will be able to complete the different modules based on their own availability. Considering last years’ experience and the results of the satisfaction survey (92% favorable responses), LACNIC has implemented participants’ request to open all the modules from the start, without having to wait twelve weeks until presenting participants with their certificates.
The self-paced course includes twelve modules and has been adapted so that students can complete more than one module per week. “Starting with this new edition, the twelve modules will be available from day one so that students can go through the course at the time of their choosing. Participants who pass the final exam with a minimum score of 70% will receive their certification,” said Mariela Rocha, training specialist at LACNIC.
Mariela Rocha explained that participants can also complete one module per week.
She noted that this is an introductory course on network management, designed for those who are starting out in networking, persons who have never worked with networks, or advanced students of information technology careers.
Last year, 1,174 students registered for the course, 58% of whom completed the activity. This is a significant completion rate for an online self-paced course, LACNIC’s training specialist added.
More courses. The Campus will also offer the second edition of the English version of “Introduction to IPv6,” a course that seeks to satisfy the growing demand for training of students and professionals in the non-Spanish speaking countries of the region. This course is geared towards network administrators, software developers, equipment vendors, students and teachers. Registration closes on 22 June.
In addition, the Campus will also offer the second edition of the “Basic IPv6” course, which will be taught in Spanish. There is time to register until 25 May.
The LACNIC Campus has become a leading regional training center on topics related to Internet security, the IPv6 protocol, resource certification and network development. Last year, a total of 7,642 members of the community participated in the 15 editions of the various courses.