The Closing of LACNIC 36 LACNOG 2021

At the closing of the successful LACNIC 36 LACNOG 2021, there was a glimpse to the next meeting of the Internet community of Latin America and the Caribbean, to be held in May 2022, probably in the same hybrid modality.
Jorge Villa, member of the LACNOG Program Committee, pointed out that the LACNIC 36 LACNOG 2021 week was a very positive event. “This year we were able to hold a hybrid event, and it seems that this is going to be how we are going to carry it out until we return to normality,” said Villa.
The hybrid proposal, with on-site speakers in Montevideo (Uruguay) and Pergamino (Argentina), is a good example of what may happen in the future. “Let’s keep it in mind for the next editions,” said Villa.
In relation to the meeting, the member of the LACNOG Program Committee highlighted the ROAs festival, the BGP Tutorial and the experiences of the daily life of a network operator. “From now on, please gather your ideas and experiences for the next editions of LACNIC,” added Villa. Among the main topics to be addressed this year, he pointed out Internet infrastructure, network operation, IPv6, and routing security. Finally, he urged the women of the community to achieve greater participation, as they do excellent work. I know many of them,” said Villa, “I hope they will be encouraged to present their proposals in the coming years.
Meanwhile, Alejandro Guzman, president of LACNIC’s Board of Directors, highlighted the large number of participants in a week of panels, tutorials and technical presentations.
A high point of the meeting, said Guzman, was the interview with Vint Cerf, one of the fathers of the Internet, who spoke about the technical factors that were taken into account in the development of the Internet. In this space, more than 230 people from the community gave live feedback on what they consider to be the success factors of the current Internet era: scalability, flexibility, innovation, collaboration, were the most frequently mentioned words.
Guzman also mentioned the announcement of the second edition of LACNIC’s Mentoring Program for technical women and the Public Policy Forum, aimed at facilitating and improving interaction and innovation so that all members of the community could participate and give their opinions on the proposals presented.
Finally, Guzman invited everyone to participate in LACNIC 37, which will take place from May 2 to 6, 2022. “We hope to be able to make a hybrid in Cali, Colombia; obviously this is subject to the evolution of the sanitary situation,” concluded the Chairman of LACNIC’s Board of Directors.