The Best Is Yet to Come


Another year of intense work is coming to an end for LACNIC and its people. A look back on this year’s calendar fills us with satisfaction and redoubles our commitment to the Internet community of Latin America and the Caribbean.

These past twelve months have been very fruitful.

We have successfully overcome the exhaustion of the central pool of IPv4 addresses. The groundwork carried out by LACNIC has allowed the organization to have available reserves to ensure the proper transition to the new version of the Internet protocol. When the moment came, LACNIC was prepared in the best possible way to overcome the most important technological change that the Internet has had to face in its entire history.

In addition, this year efforts to promote IPv6 implementation have doubled and the LACNIC region is leading IPv6 address assignments.

More than two thousand organizations from around the continent are already a part of LACNIC, an organization that continues to grow as the Internet becomes more and more important in our daily lives.

And the list goes on…

This is not, however, a time to look back; instead, it’s time to think about the new phase that will begin in 2012 with LACNIC’s tenth anniversary. The organization’s institutional consolidation has prepared it for future challenges. For all of the above, as the title says, the best is yet to come.

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