Research on IPv6 in 10 Latin American countries

LACNIC will present in Lima, Peru, a comprehensive study on IPv6 deployment which was conducted in ten Latin American and Caribbean countries together with CAF, the Development Bank of Latin America.
The conclusions and recommendations of the study titled IPv6 Deployment for Social and Economic Development in Latin America and the Caribbean will be released during an event where companies and organizations will also present their success stories with the latest version of the Internet Protocol. These experiences are part of the work, which required ten months of research.
Designed with the aim of promoting the development of critical Internet infrastructure in the region, the study reviews various aspects that affect the transition to IPv6 in Latin America and the Caribbean. It is a diagnosis of the current status of IPv6 deployment, which summarizes different indicators by country and generates evidence to make the decision-making process easier for large and small ISPs, content providers, academic networks, universities and governments in the region.
The study shows IPv6 deployment progress indicators and partial indicators for the value chain. It also includes an analysis of the new protocol’s economic impact, a customizable model, and recommendations for its implementation. IPv6 deployment is the most sustainable alternative to allow the Internet to continue to grow in a safe and stable manner.
This diagnostic work by LACNIC and CAF covers all Latin American and Caribbean countries and contains data and information on Internet deployment in each one.
We will soon be announcing the date of the presentation, which will be held in Lima and can be followed via live streaming.