Nine Experts to Present at the LACNIC Technical Forum

On Wednesday 6 May, LACNIC 33 will hold the LACNIC Technical Forum, the space for the regional community to share and discuss the latest Internet related technologies and technical implementations.
In this case, given the online format of the event, nine presentations have been selected from among the more than 30 proposals submitted by the technical community.
These presentations by regional and international Internet professionals will address issues such as routing security, BGP, network technology, DNS, RPKI, and other relevant topics.
The Forum will be divided into two 2-hour sessions. Speakers will have between 10 and 20 minutes to present; the rest of the time will be used for questions submitted by participants through the “Q&A” section of the Zoom platform.
The goal of the Selection Committee was to prepare a varied agenda for the LACNIC community. “The speakers have broad experience in their fields,” noted Mariela Rocha, member of the Committee and Training Specialist at LACNIC.
Despite its online format, the Forum will maintain its spirit and transcription will be offered in three languages (English, Spanish and Portuguese).
Presentations. Those who join us for LACNIC 33 will be able to attend nine presentations.Massimo Candela will present his research on Easy BGP Monitoring with BGPalerter; José Camargo will present an Alternative Low-Cost Solution for Controlling Volumetric Attacks in Latin America; Hugo Salgado will share his work on SGA-1 and Algorithm Rotation in DNSSEC; Richard Hummel will share with the audience his research titled Understanding the Cyber Threat Landscape, NETSCOUT 4th Biannual Threat Report & 15th Annual WISR Survey; and Tim Bruijnzeels will present the project Trends in RPKI Deployment where he will show the evolution of RPKI in the different regions since its early stages. In addition, Agustín Formoso will present his research titled De-Bogonizing 2a10::/12 which studies how the Internet reacts when a new block is assigned to an RIR; Claudio Risso will share his work on Designing Optimal iBGP / MPLS Topologies for ANTEL’s International Network; Javier More will share his experience on Microwave and Fiber Optic Transport Networks and Radio Spectrum for the Deployment of 5G Networks in Peru; and Karen O’Donaghue will give her presentation titled The Road to Deployment: Network Time Security.
To participate, click here to register.