New Tutorials and Training Opportunities at LACNIC 42


New Tutorials and Training Opportunities at LACNIC 42
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LACNIC is preparing its second annual meeting of the regional Internet community, which will take place in the city of Asunción from 7 to 11 October. This event will be co-located with LACNOG, the Latin American and the Caribbean Network Operators Group.

In addition to promoting the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and best practices in Internet resource management, the meeting in Asunción will include new training tutorials.

Secure Routing. Following its debut in Fortaleza, the second edition of the “New Trends in Secure Routing” tutorial will be presented at LACNIC 42, covering thefundamentals of Internet routing security. This session will be held on Monday the 7th and will explore current trends and ongoing discussions at the IETF regarding new standards proposed to enhance routing security.

Additional reading:

The tutorial will also cover some current Internet routing issues, and how to secure BGP using RPKI and IRR, as well as the MANRS recommendations. The second part of the tutorial will focus on ongoing challenges in BGP operation, discussing potential solutions and new proposals currently under discussion within the IETF community, including ASPA, RPKI Prefix List, and others.

Two additional activities related to the tutorial will take place during the week: a secure routing and origin validation lab (a virtual lab featuring the latest tools and best practices for Internet routing security and monitoring BGP announcements) and a Q&A session on secure routing.

Automated Services. Highlights of LACNIC 42 tutorials also include “Network Automation with Python.”

Participants will have the opportunity to learn about Python, one of the most popular programming languages. The instructors will discuss the process of network automation, and the possibility of creating an environment from scratch, running basic tests using Python, and automating infrastructure tasks, such as creating regular backups of network router configurations. No prior programming knowledge is required.

Towards IPv6-Only. The workshop titled “On the Road to IPv6 Only” will bring innovation to Asunción. Implementing the IPv6 protocol is critical for advancing technology given IPv4 exhaustion.

The instructors will focus on how to operate an IPv6-only network in the absence of IPv4. Not deploying IPv6 today means falling behind with the future of the Internet, which will be predominantly IPv6.

The tutorial will include practical demonstrations on how to prepare networks for an IPv6-only environment. It will address the use and configuration of essential technologies such as NAT64, Reverse Proxy, and DHCPv6-PD.

One of its highlights will be the use of Jool to implement stateful NAT64 and DNS64, which will allow efficient translation between IPv6 and IPv4 networks.

Participants will also explore the use of Jool with SIIT-DC, a mechanism that allows translating IPv4 to IPv6 addresses and vice versa, facilitating communication between networks with different protocol stacks.

RIPE Atlas Measurements. On Thursday, as part of the three LACNIC tutorials included on the program for LACNOG, a workshop titled “Using RIPE Atlas to Monitor and Troubleshoot Your Network” will be held.

Participants will learn about the different tools and services, and will work on hands-on, guided exercises.

RIPE Atlas is one of the world’s largest Internet measurement platforms. Its network comprises 12,000 probes and allows actively measuring connectivity (ping, traceroute, and more).

Registration. We invite you to register in advance, whether you wish to participate on site or online.

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