Multiple Contributions to Internet Governance


Multiple Contributions to Internet Governance

Working with Governments. The Inter-American Telecommunication Commission decided to strengthen its commitment to IPv6 deployment in the region by issuing a recommendation addressed to governments. The document recommended improving government networks, importing IPv6-ready equipment, and preserving the digital security of their citizens.

Promoting Participation. This year, Líderes, LACNIC’s program for promoting Internet governance in the region, supported organizations in El Salvador, Costa Rica, Haiti, Venezuela and the Youth LACIGF to reinforce initiatives that promote the multistakeholder model at the national, regional, subregional and youth (NRIs) levels. LACNIC seeks to contribute its multistakeholder vision to these discussion spaces in order to enrich Internet Governance-related knowledge.

Community Contributions. After an almost year-long process, the LACNIC community prepared a document offering recommendations on the Address Supporting Organization (ASO) Review.

To prepare the final recommendations, LACNIC organized a discussion list on the subject, a webinar and a public face-to-face consultation.

The document consolidated the contributions received throughout the process and summarized the three community recommendations on the future structure and functioning of the ASO.

The full document can be found here.

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