LACNIC’s IRR Begins Operating

LACNIC has launched its Internet Routing Registry (LACNIC’s IRR). An IRR is a database which allows an operator to specify its routing policy and make it publicly available in such a way that other actors in the Internet routing system can use this information to configure their equipment.
Thus, an operator can automatically configure filters, routers, access lists and prefix lists to improve the general security and stability of the Internet, avoiding problems related to the global announcement of routes.
LACNIC’s IRR will be available to all operators in the region that have access to MiLACNIC platform. This platform manages the IRR data and uses the information which is already contained in RPKI and in LACNIC’s registration database.
All the objects generated in LACNIC’s IRR are public and will be available through LACNIC’s FTP servers.
For more information, we invite you to read this article and the following documentation about the operation of LACNIC’s IRR.