LACNIC with Key Actors in Bolivia

In order to encourage IPv6 use and deployment in the region, LACNIC visited key actors in Bolivia’s Internet ecosystem within the framework of the Latin American and Caribbean Internet Governance Forum held in La Paz.
Oscar Robles, LACNIC CEO, and Paula Oteguy, Strategic Relations Officer, held eight meetings with government decision-makers, academia representatives, executives and professionals from the private telecommunications sector in Bolivia.
“We believe that visiting Bolivia brought us closer to the Bolivian community, its different actors, decision-makers, academia, operators and LACNIC members,” commented Oteguy.
In the meetings with officials and executives, we reinforced the importance of the actions carried out in relation to IPv6 deployment to achieve greater use of this protocol in the Bolivian highlands.
Bolivia’s IPv6 penetration is 13%, which places the country at an average level in the Latin American and Caribbean region whose average IPv6 traffic is 18%.
Bolivia has a successful experience with IPv6 deployment -Comteco in Cochabamba- which served as an example for other organizations to replicate this path internally.
Robles particularly stressed how each actor may contribute to IPv6 deployment from their sector: the State, academia and business organizations.
All participants in the meetings showed interest in receiving help to deploy IPv6, either through specialized courses or through the use of LACNIC Campus training tools.
“While much remains to be done, there is national commitment to IPv6 deployment. Foundations are being laid for this to happen,” Oteguy concluded.