LACNIC Visits Clients in Belize and Curaçao


LACNIC Visits Clients in Belize and Curaçao

As part of the first leg of its annual tour for meeting its clients, LACNIC visited twelve Internet companies and organizations in Belize and Curaçao. The LACNIC Services department organized this trip to reinforce its personalized visits to strategic organizations in the Caribbean.

Meetings were held with both local operators and authorities of the two countries and focused especially on IPv6 development.

Kevon Swift, Head of Strategic Relations and Integration at LACNIC, stressed that both Belize and Curaçao have developed plans and internal projects to implement activities that will enhance the Internet in the two countries. In the case of Belize, it was good to see interesting work being done to promote IPv6 deployment, Swift added. “They are leveraging the tools offered by LACNIC to rapidly advance towards IPv6 access,” he noted.

Likewise, Alfredo Verderosa, Head of LACNIC’s Services Department, observed that these personalized meetings allow building close relationships between LACNIC and its clients, particularly with those in the Caribbean. He noted that these meetings are part of the ongoing client visit program that has been in place for the past four years, and that their purpose is to involve members in the issues that are most relevant to the community and in the regular activities carried out by LACNIC.

The LACNIC team returned to Montevideo with the commitment to support training for the employees of the organization’s clients in the Caribbean, particularly to collaborate in the deployment of IPv6. In this sense, an agreement was reached to implement webinars in English for the Caribbean community as well as to encourage their participation in the first IPv6 course to be delivered in English through the LACNIC Campus.

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