LACNIC Reaches 10,000 Members

More than 10 thousand organizations associated to the Internet Address Registry of Latin America and the Caribbean reflect LACNIC’s commitment to involve the regional community, as well as the Internet ecosystem’s constant effort to reduce the digital divide.
To a greater extent, member growth in 2019 results from the incorporation of small Internet providers, which join the regional organization in search of IP addresses to expand their business in the digital world.
LACNIC has made a significant effort to reach as many regional organizations as possible, both by participating in events aimed at regional Internet providers and by visiting our members.
Considering only the countries visited in 2019 by the LACNIC Services Department (Colombia, Argentina, Ecuador, Costa Rica and Mexico), the number of members increased by 23% in relation to the previous year.
“We are focused on disseminating LACNIC services and the possibility of receiving resources directly assigned by our RIR to small ISPs within the region,” said Alfredo Verderosa, Head of LACNIC Services Department.
Colombia led the growth in new members with an increase of 40%, followed by Mexico (28%), Ecuador (26%) and Argentina (18%).
“We continue to work on conveying our new members the relevance of IPv6 implementation and deployment in their networks,” said Verderosa.
This year, the visit program includes visits to Chile, Peru, Colombia, Mexico, St Marteen, Honduras and Guatemala with the aim of strengthening LACNIC services and adding new organizations.