LACNIC Opens Call for Applications for the 2nd Edition of Its Líderes 2.0 Program

LACNIC’s Líderes 2.0 Program announces that the call for applications for the second edition of the initiative to provide funding and mentoring to support projects on Internet Governance related issues in Latin America and the Caribbean is now open.
After a successful first edition in 2020 which selected 16 projects from various countries across the region, Líderes 2.0 is now increasing the number of categories for its 2021 call from three to five: Internet and the Pandemic: Its Impact on Human Rights; Digital Inclusion; Security and Trust; Internet and Productivity; and Strengthening and Expansion of NRIs (National, Regional and Youth Internet Governance Forum initiatives).
“The first edition of Líderes 2.0 addressed community needs during the pandemic. This time, we would like to continue working on governance issues despite the difficulties currently experienced by the different communities,” noted Kevon Swift, Head of Strategic Relations and Integration at LACNIC.
Strategic Relations Officer Paula Oteguy observed that the goals of the 2021 call for proposals include “continuing to strength the work on the creation of a repository of relevant information on Internet governance issues by and for the region.”
The two new categories added this year (Internet and Productivity, Strengthening and Expansion of NRIs) seek to support projects that address telework in the region as well as the degree of NRI evolution and how the pandemic has impacted these initiatives.
Selected proposals will receive funding for up to US$1,500, the support of a mentor with knowledge of global Internet governance issues and will have a period of three months to complete their research project. The findings of these projects may be presented in various formats (podcasts, videos, animations, digital brochures).
The call is open to coordinators of national or regional Internet governance initiatives, university students, policy makers, independent researchers, and members of the technical community who have been involved in Internet governance or who can demonstrate a strong capacity for conducting quality research.
The call will remain open until 20 August. Anyone interested in participating must complete a form describing the main features of their project. The best 16 proposals will be announced on 6 September.
For more information, check out the call for proposals here.